
Social Prescribing: Overcome social isolation and depression of COVID-19 outbreak era
Date : 2022.02.28

Objectives: Experts have predicted that infectious diseases such as the Coronavirus will reproduce continuously.
Therefore, it is necessary to expand the role of health educators in incorporating non-communicable diseases
and infectious diseases. Methods: The social prescription policy trends in the UK were reviewed, and a social
prescribing case study was reviewed in Korea. Results: In the current situation, health educators should be
qualified to deliver accurate information about COVID-19. To this end, it will be needed to expand the scope
and include jobs such as ‘Social Prescriber’ in the UK. Conclusion: Health Promotion and Education should
be institutionalized changing the current health center-oriented method to emulate the UK’s Social Prescribing
system. Also, it is necessary to develop a ‘new health education program’ that includes strategies such as
keeping social distance, tele counselling in a pandemic era and online distance learning for health education.