연구 배경: 2020년 전 세계는 COVID-19의 만연으로 어려움을 겪고 있다. 각 나라들은 COVID-19 확산을 막고자 최선을 다하고 있으나, 그 결과는 국가의 자원과 역량에 따라 다르게 나타나고 있다. 세계 여러 나라 중 부탄, 쿠바, 뉴질랜드는 COVID-19 확산을 성공적으로 대처한 나라로 언급되고 있다.
연구 목적: 본 연구는 COVID-19과 같은 전염병 발생 시 이를 예방하고 효과적으로 관리하기 위해 COVID-19 방역을 성공적으로 시행한 쿠바, 부탄, 뉴질랜드의 방역 활동과 특성들을 확인하고자 한다.
연구 방법: Google과 Google Scholar 검색 엔진 및 부탄, 쿠바 및 뉴질랜드의 보건부, 외교부 등 공공기관 홈페이지, 온라인 뉴스, SNS(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 등)를 이용하여 학술 논문, 각 국가 COVID-19 정책 보고서, 뉴스, 신문 기사 등을 수집하여 분석함. 자료 수집 기간은 8월 1일부터 9월 5일(36일)이었다.
연구 결과: 부탄, 쿠바, 뉴질랜드 모두 COVID-19 초기 단계에 강도 높은 방역 조치 실시하였는데, 세 나라 모두 COVID-19 확진자의 수가 100건을 넘기기 전에 취해졌다. 세 국가는 공통적으로 3월초 국경을 폐쇄 하여 외국인의 출입국을 제한하였으며, 내국인 입국자에 대해서는 COVID-19 검사 시행 및 14일 격리를 실시하였다. 또한, 집회 및 모임을 전면 금지, 학교 및 교육기관의 잠정 휴교, 운송 및 대중교통 운영 중단, 이동 제한을 실시하였다. 이와 함께, 각 국은 COVID-19 대응팀을 구성하여 지역 사회를 직접 방문하여 COVID-19 조기 감별 시행하고, 무상 COVID-19 검사 및 치료 서비스를 제공하였다. 또한, 시민을 대상으로 지속적인 COVID-19 관련 정보 제공 및 교육 활동을 시행하였다. 이러한 정부의 방역 활동에 대해 시민들은 깊은 신뢰를 보였으며, 적극적으로 따르는 모습을 보였다.
결론: 세 나라의 선제적이며 적극적 제한 조치는 COVID-19의 성공적 방역에 가장 중요한 요인이었으며, 보편적 의료보장 제도는 환자 발견과 치료를 하는데 가장 큰 강점 중 하나였다. 이와 함께, 세 나라 정부가 시행한 시민 대상 교육 및 COVID-19 정보 공유는 시민들의 불안을 감소시키고, 방역 정책에 적극적 참여를 유도하였다. 우리나라 또한 감염병 예방과 관리를 위해 적극적이며 선제적 방역 조치를 시행하고, 시민들의 불안을 감소시키고 방역 활동에 참여를 높이기 위한 시민 대상 홍보활동과 정보공유를 늘리는 것이 필요하다 하겠다. 또한, 취약계층을 비롯한 시민들의 보건의료 서비스의 접근을 높이기 위한 다양한 방안을 수립해야 하겠다.
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease (COVID-19) a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Previous studies of infectious diseases showed that infectious diseases not only cause physical damage to infected individuals but also damage to the mental health of the public. Therefore this study aims to analyze the factors that affected depression in the public during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide evidence for COVID-19-related mental health policies and to emphasize the need to prepare for mental health issues related to potential infectious disease outbreaks in the future.
Results: This study performed the following statistical analyses to analyze the factors that influence depression in the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, to confirm the level of depression in the public in each country, the participants' depression was plotted on a Boxplot graph for analysis. Second, to confirm personal and national factors that influence depression in individuals, a multi-level analysis was conducted. As a result, the median Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) score for all participants was 6. The median was higher than the overall median for the Philippines, Indonesia, and Paraguay, suggesting a higher level of depression. In personal variables, depression was higher in females than in males, and higher in participants who had experienced discrimination due to COVID-19 than those who had not. In contrast, depression was lower in older participants, those with good subjective health, and those who practiced personal hygiene for prevention. In national variables, depression was higher when the Government Response Stringency Index score was higher, when life expectancy was higher, and when social capital was higher. In contrast, depression was lower when literacy rates were higher.
Conclusions: Our study reveals that depression was higher in participants living in countries with higher stringency index scores than in participants living in ...
To discuss the characteristics of the aisles communities and to identify the principles and strategies for empowering alley communities in realizing the Makassar Healthy City.
The method used in this research was a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out through an extensive literature review, FGD, and in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.
This research identified the characteristics of the aisles community. This research also found that empowerment of aisles communities can be built with holistic principles, commitment to alley health, leadership, participation, synergy, independence, equality, and sustainability. The development strategies for the aisle communities can be carried out through regulation, the principles of brains and muscles (thinkers and workers), organizations/work groups, community education, funding, and advocacy.
Synergy and convergence action of the aisles program that has the leverage/effect in realizing a clean, comfortable, safe, healthy, and productive aisles is needed.
BJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of school-based interventions to prevent obesity conducted in Latin America and provide suggestions for future prevention efforts in countries of the region. METHODS: Articles published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 2000 and 2017 were searched in four online databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, LILACS, and REDALYC). Inclusion criteria were: studies targeting school-aged children and adolescents (6-18 years old), focusing on preventing obesity in a Latin American country using at least one school-based component, reporting at least one obesity-related outcome, comprising controlled or before-and-after design, and including information on intervention components and/or process. RESULTS: Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Most effective interventions (n = 3) had moderate quality and included multi-component school-based programs to promote health education and parental involvement focused on healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. These studies also presented a better study designs, few limitations for execution, and a minimum duration of six months. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence-based prevention experiences are important guides for future strategies implemented in the region. Alongside gender difference
Aging populations and the increasing mental health issues among them have set a new challenge for the international community, governments, and people. Given this, society’s role is very important, and involving the local community in resolving the problems can play a pivotal role. The current study presented the systematic review of the financing mechanism and cost-effectiveness of the “social prescribing” (SP) project in the United Kingdom and how SP can be adapted for other settings. The data showed comparatively low running costs and the overall effectiveness of SP projects. The running cost of SP projects varied between ?54,525 and ?1.1 million. The cost-effectiveness of the projects reported as 12% and the return of investment was about 50% depending on the type of analysis and the activities implemented. This type of intervention can be one of the options that support solving the issues of aging populations and their accompanying mental disorders.
In a recent report, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) introduced South Korea’s measures to manage COVID-19 as role model for the world. Screening centers serve as frontiers for preventing community transmission of infectious diseases. COVID-19 screening centers in Korea operate 24 h a day, always open for individuals with suspected COVID-19 symptoms. South Korea concentrated COVID-19 screening centers around cities with high population density. Advanced screening centers (models C, D, and E) proved more effective and efficient in the prevention of COVID-19 than the traditional screening centers (models A and B). Particularly, screening centers at Incheon Airport in South Korea prevent transmission through imported cases effectively. It will be important elsewhere, as in South Korea, to establish an infectious disease delivery system that can lead to 'Test-Treat-Track' using an adequate model of screening centers.
Objectives: This study analyzed the perceptions and emotions of Korean and Japanese citizens regarding coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19). It examined the frequency of words used in Korean and Japanese tweets regarding COVID-19 and thecorresponding changes in their interests. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed Twitter posts (Tweets) from February1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 to determine public opinion of the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea and Japan. We collected datafrom Twitter (, a major social media platform in Korea and Japan. Python 3.7 Library was used for datacollection. Data analysis included KR-WordRank and frequency analyses in Korea and Japan, respectively. Heat diagrams,word clouds, and rank flowcharts were also used. Results: Overall, 1,470,673 and 4,195,457 tweets were collected from Koreaand Japan, respectively. The word trend in Korea and Japan was analyzed every 5 days. The word cloud analysis revealed“COVID-19”, “Shinchonji”, “Mask”, “Daegu”, and “Travel” as frequently used words in Korea. While in Japan, “COVID-19”,“Mask”, “Test”, “Impact”, and “China” were identified as high-frequency words. They were divided into four categories: socialdistancing, prevention, issue, and emotion for the rank flowcharts. Concerning emotion, “Overcome” and “Support”increased from February in Korea, while “Worry” and “Anxiety” decreased in Japan from April 1. Conclusions: As a result ofthe trend, people’s interests in the economy were high in both countries, indicating their reservations on the economic downturn.
Therefore, focusing policies toward economic stability is essential. Although the interest in prevention increased sinceApril in both countries, the general public’s relaxation regarding COVID-19 was also observed.
Background: Restrictions on mobility have been implemented by many countries to limit the spread of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) yet have important social and economic consequences. Their impact on reducing transmission is, however, inadequately understood.
Methods: We examined the association of COVID-19 incidence rates with mobility changes, defined as changes in categories of domestic location, against a pre-pandemic baseline, using country-specific daily incidence data on newly confirmed COVID-19 cases and mobility data collected from mobile devices in all 34 OECD countries plus Singapore and Taiwan. The study period was from the day of the 100th case in each country to August 31, 2020. Daily incidence rates were lagged by 14 days and regressed to mobility changes using LOESS regression and logit regression.
Findings: In two thirds of examined countries, reductions of up to 40% in commuting mobility (to workplaces, transit stations, retailers, and recreation) were associated with decreased COVID-19 incidence, more so early in the pandemic. However, these decreases plateaued as mobility remained low or decreased further. We found smaller or negligible associations between mobility restriction and incidence rates in the late phase in most countries.
Interpretation: Mild to moderate degrees of mobility restriction in most countries were associated with reduced incidence rates of COVID-19 that appear to attenuate over time, while some countries exhibited no effect of such restrictions. More detailed research is needed to precisely understand the benefits and limitations of mobility restrictions as part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
목적: 한국은 지역사회 기반 통합 돌봄(커뮤니티케어)을 통해 노인들을 위한 보건 및 사회복지 서비스의 확대를 추진하고 있다. 본 연구는 노인의 경로당 이용에 대한 인구사회인적 요인, 삶의 만족도, 건강상태 등이 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 한다.
연구방법: 2017년 노인실태조사 자료를 이용하여, 횡단 분석 연구가 실시하였다. 이용패턴을 파악하기 위해 기술통계를 하였고, 경로당 이용과 관련된 요소들을 결정하기 위해서는 다변량 로지스틱회귀분석을 실시하였다.
연구결과: 지난 12개월간 노인 1만299명 중 22.7%가 경로당을 이용하였다. 경로당을 이용하는 이유중 가장 많은 응답은 경로당 동료들과 여가를 보내기 위함이었으며, 대상자의 95% 이상이 제공되는서비스에 만족하고 있었다. 사회인구학적 특성에 대해서는 여성(AOR=1.20; 95% 신뢰 구간(CI), 1.05-1.38), 80세 이상 노인(AOR= 3.94, 95% CI, 3.30-4.71), 문맹자(AOR=5.27; 95% CI 3.80-7.30), 교육 수준이낮거나 읍면 지역 출신(AOR=6.42; 95 % CI, 5.72-7.20)이 경로당을 이용할 가능성이 가장 높았다. 생활만족도 부분에서는 재정적 만족도(AOR=1.21; 95% CI, 1.06-1.37), 문화에 대한 만족도(AOR=1.49; 95% CI, 1.24-1.79) 및 친구들과 사회에 대한 만족도(AOR=4.24; 95% CI, 3.17-5.66)가 높은 사람이경로당을 더 많이 이용하는 것으로 나타났다. 질병이 없다는 응답자에 비해 만성 질환을 2개 이상 보유한자(AOR= 2.01; 95 % CI, 1.60-2.53)의 경로당 이용률이 2 배 더 높았다.
결론: 정부의 지역사회 기반 통합돌봄 정책 수립을 위하여 경로당 이용에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적요인, 삶의 만족도, 건강상태와 관련된 요인들을 고려하여, 이용률을 높이고, 건강관리를 위한 통합돌봄 시설이 될 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다.